Inspired by Copenhagen Cycle Chic


Love me, love my bike.

Couples who cycle together are more likely to stay together: we have absolutely no proof to back this bold claim up, but we like to think it might be true. It’s Valentine’s Day (in case you didn’t know) so we at Amsterdam Cycle Chic thought it would be the perfect time to celebrate our love for cycling.

Today’s date has provided a great excuse for the Amsterdam Cycle Chic team to reveal what we love most about cycling. We’ve also dug through the archives to bring you some of our favorite ‘loved up’ shots. Over the years we’ve snapped many special moments on the city’s streets, capturing everything from newlyweds to stolen kisses.

Lily: My favorite cycling moment in Amsterdam… summer evenings, cycling home during twilight, with a warm breeze as the last bit of sunset drifts away. When cycling home along the canals after a fun night with friends, you get to see the city in a totally different vibe than during the rest of the year. It’s a magical moment. (Bonus: if no jacket is required!)

From the archives: stolen kisses


From the archives: bicycle made for two

Merida: I love the childlike freedom of cycling. You can go anywhere, make your own route, race the trams (even if they don’t know it), and I love the rattle of my bike when I hit a bump. When I cycle with my boyfriend, it’s less of an “aww look how cute we are, romantically cycling through the city” and more of a “what’s the best method to get to where we are going as quickly as possible?”

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We asked our readers to send in their ‘love’ inspired pictures. With thanks (from top to bottom) to @mademoiselleultra, @mattiamaina and @mylenemackay

Klara: Cycling is an essential part of my daily routine. It’s the best way to clear your mind and when you’re gliding along the city streets, you feel truly free. I love pedaling along side by side with my friends, stopping on corners to catch up on the gossip before you go your separate ways. You can’t beat it.

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Margarita: I love cycling because it’s cheap, it’s easy, it’s invigorating and it lets me explore and see more of the city than I otherwise would. I can go anywhere! I love being among other people who are cycling. Getting more people out of cars and onto bikes gives local policy and decision-makers leverage to keep improving our streets.

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From the archives: get married….hop on your bike.

Meredith: I love cycling in Amsterdam because it makes me feel so independent – I can come and go as I please, feel the fresh air (or rain!) on my face, and stop at my favorite shop at a moment’s notice. At the same time, cycling in Amsterdam makes me feel part of the community.  In the rush hour swarm with hundreds of others on their bike ride to work, we pedal together, everyone giving each other energy, challenge, and speed. Of course I love to ride with friends, my husband, and my daughter (who just learned how to ride) – but in the end, I really love to ride with the swarm.

Want to share your cycling pictures with us? We always love to see them. You can reach us on Instagram & Facebook @amsterdamcyclechic and Twitter @AMSCyclechic.


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From the archives: we love seeing flowers and balloons on bikes. Where are they heading, who are they for?



Feets on Fiets

It’s officially Autumn here in Amsterdam- cold, crisp, and a tiny bit wet. The sandals are disappearing and the scarves are coming out.

One of my favorite parts of my morning commute is watching in awe as women weave in and out of the other commuters, pedaling on pointy toed pumps. And I recently  realized I had taken quite a lot of heels on wheels photos. So in order to savor the sunshine of summer we are posting a our favorite Feets on Fiets; our new reoccurring seasonal round up!

I hope you enjoy these stylish stilettos and funky socks sneaking out of a suit cuffs as much as we do.