Inspired by Copenhagen Cycle Chic

Man on bike

Winter Wonderland of Bikes

It’s that frosty time of year again and Amsterdam has been hit with more than a generous dusting of snow! From Friday to Monday, winter’s magic descended upon the city and disrupted travel across the country. Up and onwards, Amsterdammers cycled on, showing that neither rain nor wind nor snow will keep us off our bikes!

Winter wonderland
Winter wonderland
Winter wonderland
Winter wonderland
Winter wonderland
Winter wonderland
Winter wonderland
Winter wonderland
Winter wonderland

Tot ziens Winter!

Amsterdammers are so very happy to see winter behind them. The days are now longer, brighter, and we can wear less clothing. That’s always a good thing!

At Amsterdam Cycle Chic, we are constantly taking photos and we end up blogging or gramming only a handful. So we thought we’d give you a purge of our winter collection. Enjoy!

Good bye winter!
Good bye winter!
Good bye winter!
Good bye winter!
Good bye winter!
Good bye winter!
Good bye winter!
Good bye winter!
Good bye winter!
Good bye winter!
Good bye winter!
Good bye winter

Cycle Chic Spotlight: Jonathan

Jonathan is an Amsterdam based designer from the UK with a passion for all things retro. He loves working with his hands to make his creative visions come to life – whether it’s designing shoes for international fashion brands, reconstructing vintage furniture or working on his collection of vintage bicycles.


Welcome, Jonathan! We’re glad to have you as our December cyclist of the month! To get started, tell us a bit more about how you ended up in Amsterdam.
I’m originally from the UK, more precisely from where Hobbits live. Yes, that’s right. Lord of the Rings was actually written in my hometown. After visiting Amsterdam for a long weekend, I fell in love with the city! One month later, I found myself moving over. That was about two years ago… and here we are now, enjoying a crisp, cool day in the lovely Nine Streets neighborhood. 

As an expat, what was your first reaction to the Dutch cyclists here in Amsterdam?
At first, it was all so unique and quite startling!Now, cycling has become a major part of my day-to-day routine here in Amsterdam. The Dutch are known as the kings of cycling but it was a totally new concept for me after living in London for 10 years. Unfortunately, in London there’s a lack of forward thinking towards cyclists which makes it quite unsafe. 


In your opinion, what makes Amsterdam so special for cycling?
Now that I have adapted to life-on-bike, I absolutely love it! Cycling around the Jordan with friends is one of my favorite areas because of course, the scenery is lovely. Plus, it is more peaceful and less crowded than the rest of the city center. Riding my bike has become a bigger part of my life. Cycling in Amsterdam really inspired me to start buying vintage bikes and do them up, which is now one of my favorite hobbies.


How did you get into collecting vintage bikes?
I love the hands on process of fixing up vintage bikes. Plus, of course the bike loving vibe of Amsterdam is an inspiration. A few years ago
, I bought a bike black, vintage Peugeot. It was from 1975 in like-new condition, just beautiful! Once I got my first vintage bike there was no looking back, I was in love! Now, I’m a vintage bike enthusiast. At one point, I did have seven vintage bikes so, perhaps you could call me a “collectomaniac”? At the moment I am down to only three, including the Carlton pictured here. 

My other prized bike is a 1982 Peugeot Centennial Edition PH12, this was one of the first bike to consider aerodynamics, it has only been ridden twice since 1982! At the moment, it’s hanging on the wall of my apartment. My third bike is a Peugeot that my dad bought brand new in 1975, when he was 13.


What’s the story behind the unique, vintage Carlton that you’re riding around the Nine Streets today?
The one pictured here is a Carlton criterium custom which I built myself after bringing it over from the UK.The bike was owned by a family friend who bought it new. He was a long distance rider so, I have had it the bike has undergone some changes and I still want to change it further and make it into a single speed.

This is the first bike I built myself and added a Basil bell and Brooks seat. I’m very proud of it!

Carlton is up there as one of my favourite brands. My dream is to one day I have a Bianchi Pista too, they’re absolutely beautiful. So far, I have yet to find one the is in good enough condition… Hopefully some day!_MG_0112

What’s your favorite aspect about cycling in Amsterdam?
My favorite aspects of cycling in Amsterdam are the people you run into along the way. When biking around town, I often spot a friend cycling by and we wave or shout, ‘Hello!’ You often see the most random scenes pop up out of the blue. It’s fun to capture a quick snapshot of wacky moments on my phone and share them with friends for a laugh. I get so much enjoyment from riding my bike everyday in this wonderful city. Thank you, Amsterdam!


And a big thanks to you Jonathan for joining us here at Amsterdam Cycle Chic! You can follow along with his vintage bike adventures via Instagram‘Til next time…

Interview & photos by Lily.

Summer cycling in Barcelona

With grey skies looming over Amsterdam, my mind easily drifts back to sun soaked Barcelona where I recently spent a weekend sipping sangria at the beach, eating tapas and of course, exploring the unique culture and architecture on offer. While not traditionally associated with urban cycling, the popularity and infrastructure for bicycles was evident everywhere in this Spanish city.

In the last decade, Barcelona has seen a significant jump in riders with the city’s recent investment in new infrastructure such as bike lanes and traffic lights. Accustomed to Amsterdam’s bicycle-friendly layout, I was happy to notice all the chic people on bikes – and riding on some nice bike paths.

From fixies to mountain bikes and even Dutch cargo bikes, cyclists filled the busy boulevards, city squares, parks and quiet streets. Here’s a peak at the eclectic mix of cycle chic-sters in Barcelona…


As a daily cyclist myself, I was keen to try out Barcelona’s bike share program Bicing. While deemed as shared public transport and highly popular, it’s only available for locals with an annual subscription. So, instead of taking a spin on two wheels, I instead had the pleasure of snapping photos of cyclists as they whizzed by. I spotted plenty cyclists of all ages commuting along the city center’s tens of kilometers of cycling paths. 


Looking for more? Check out the Barcelona Cycle Chic blog!

Movers and shakers

We all love seeing what others can fit and balance on their bikes… umbrellas, pets, babies, shopping. And there there are times where your breath is taken away. The Dutch certainly know the fine art of ‘getting the job done’. Movers?!! Pffft! On your bike! He’s clearly happy with his achievement!


By Mel

Ring Ring… bike delivery!

Saw this lovely burst of colour whizzing by, delivering a parcel, and I just had to stop him! He spent the day riding through snow, sleet, rain and finally some sunshine. Didn’t seem to phase him 🙂
…Go DHL!

ACC_DHL copy
By Mel


Just when you think your weary legs can’t cycle anymore … you spot what we like to call a ‘Chic’er’ – a super chic cyclist with some fashion on board! Gameboy backpack + faux fur coat + pink gloves and grooving to tunes, en route to somewhere fabulous for sure. Arriving with style people!



By Mel

Monday boost

Yep it’s Monday alright. If you haven’t had your coffee yet, I also would love a little boost like this. 


Still chic in the ’20s

I love seeing old photos and footage from back in the day. The Eye has a great collection of these old films and this one caught my attention.

A little history lesson: this was when about 80% of all trips were made by bike. Now about 60% of all trips are made by bicycle in the city center. Amazing right?

And look at the people. So simply chic with their hats and jackets. Sitting upright on their oh-so-Dutch bikes. Love it.

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Top 5 things to look forward to in 2016

Best wishes for 2016!

2015 was a great year. As an ode to all the fantastic shots our team captured in 2015 and all our loyal followers, we’ve put together a short list of the top 5 things to look forward to this year in Amsterdam – doubled up with our most popular blog and Instagram posts of 2015.

1. Several days (at least) of non-stop sun sometime between March 23 and September 17. Otherwise, don’t forget to smile while you squint and bear the rainy weather.

2. Doubling up with a lover (or a stranger).  The best part about getting around in this city is pairing up – on one bike is cozy, but side-by-side works just as well. Our cyclists of the month from February love doubling!



Wieger and Anne Marie

3. Wearing black, preferably a leather jacket as well.    black leather jacket by aude

4. Spotting adorable children and their (stylish) mamas.  This black and white made waves on Facebook and Instagram. And photos of our own Aude (who now has two little ones) was the most-seen post of the year!

**2015-10-10 10.16.24-1

5. Discovering a new favorite corner in this fantastic city. By bike, of course! Maybe a new cafe or a nice view – where ever it is, let it be all yours.

  Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

A huge thanks to all our readers and followers this year! We are grateful for your loyalty and we wouldn’t still be around if it wasn’t for you. From all of us at Amsterdam Cycle Chic, happy new year!


The Dutch have a great sense of style. They love matching their outfits. This cyclist goes one step further, and matches his bike, bag, clothing and shoes. He’s ‘on board’ with a lot more than that ferry!


A bike full of wood

I can only imagine this conversation: Hey man, what are you going to do with all that wood? I don’t know, gonna make something cool. Maybe a nice fence for your garden? For sure.

Seriously, what’s this guy going to do with all those branches? Obviously he just found them and loaded them up on his bike – otherwise he would have a proper transport method, right? Who knows! Oh Amsterdam. How I love you.

A bike full of wood//

Cycle Chicstagram October

Check out Amsterdam Cycle Chic’s top 10 Instagram pics of October.

1. Iris on her new bike

2. Colder mornings

3. Doggy morning run

4. Speedy super daddy

5. Lambike ;-P

6. OMG, that is sooo Dutch

7. On the ferry

8. Waiting for a friend

9. Cycling with his daughter’s back pack

10. Deux par deux

Are you already following us on Instagram? You should, if you want to learn more about Amsterdam’s cycling culture and enjoy the diversity of cyclists and bikes in Amsterdam’s streets. Every month we will post the most liked Instagram shots here on our blog.

Parkside riding

It is the most beautiful time to ride at the moment… fresh breeze and a little sunshine. Get out on your bike, and head to your favourite park. Like ours, Vondel Park.



By Mel

TGIF joy ride

Last night these two were speeding down the Weesperzijde – with smiles of course – definitely in a hurry to get to their destination, which likely had beers and bitterballen awaiting them. 😉


Need a new idea for a cheap date?

One of my favorite things to do is to ride next to my partner, hand in hand. I know, I know, so girly, romantic, and cheesy and blah blah blah – but come on! You know you like it to. These 2 couldn’t get enough of each other last night. Held hands for blocks and blocks… 

Sometimes you don’t even need a destination when you’re in love and on a bike in Amsterdam. Let your ride be your date. See where the evening takes you. 



It is just impossible to cycle incognito in Amsterdam. I mean, as a Mum or Dad!
incognito by aude-8I collect all those pictures to illustrate my observation :incognito by aude-5
incognito by aude-4Daddys…incognito1 by aude
… or Mummys : For everyone you are a parent first!
incognito by aude-2You will never have the student look anymore 😉 incognito by aude-3
Those pictures are more representative of today: incognito under poncho!
incognito by aude-6

It’s pooring in town! incognito by aude-7


Wired for sound

You hear a lot of people singing as they zip past you in Amsterdam. Some know the tunes from their head and others sport rather fashionable ears around town..your thoughts? Unsafe or just a cool way to get into the X-Factor?


By Mel

Amsterdam tip #36

Whats the first thing you should do when you’re invited into a canal house in Amsterdam? Especially one on the third floor? 

Run to the window and admire the view! First the gables. Then the rooftops and roof gardens. And then the street below. (Then obsessively take photos of people biking by.)



Winding down

After a big Gay Pride weekend the locals are soaking up the late afternoon sun and biking home…goodnight Amsterdam.





By Mel

Snuggle up for sunset

Grab your bike and your love and head out to your favorite vista for tonight’s sunset. It’s bound to be a good one.

No need to iron this suit!

This is why I love cycling in Amsterdam – even the suits are doing it! And there’s no need for an iron or a dry clean: just let the evening breeze ease the wrinkles and sweat from the day.

Daddy cool

We here at Amsterdam Cycle Chic are lucky to come across cool single articles of clothing on our locals..hip shoes, nice jacket, groovy hair.
But sometimes you come across an entire ensemble which blows your mind. This cool Papa and his daughter need a boogie nights soundtrack as they buzz along the Dutch streets.

We’re talking serious seventies fashion combinations here: beige corduroy suit, double drop earrings, and silver undercut (and top-knot), aviator spectacles and oxfords. Bam!



By Mel

TGI Thursday!

The saying goes TGIF, but I’m saying thank goodness it’s Thursday! What a gorgeous afternoon we had here in Amsterdam. I spent some time on the sunny terrace of the Eye. Might even got sunburned! But I love the ferry on sunny days. Where were you?

Hopefully the sun keeps up this magical work til Monday — the nations best holiday — King’s Day!